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Ukrainian Armed Forces Delegation Briefed at JFC Brunssum

26 – 27 Jan; JFC Brunssum (JFCBS) was honoured to host a delegation from the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF).  Led by Lieutenant General Viktor Bokii (UAF Deputy Chief of Staff) a small group of Ukrainian military officers visited JFCBS to learn about the Headquarters’ role, responsibilities, structure, primary tasks and missions as their nation strives to reform its military and, wherever possible, align with NATO standards.  Other members of the delegation included: Major General Oleksandr Syrskyi (First Deputy Head UAF Main Command Centre) and Colonel Valerii Churkin (Head of Military-Strategic Analysis, Main Operational Department, UAF General Staff).
Commander JFC Brunssum, General Hans-Lothar Domröse, warmly welcomed his guests and personally provided an overview of current security threats confronting Europe, actions underway within the Alliance to confront those threats and, at the strategic political level, his view of what might be achieved by and announced at this year’s NATO Summit in Warsaw.  The General also underlined the continued importance of NATO/Ukrainian Military Cooperation.
Briefings covered a range of topics in some detail but concentrated on the planning and conduct of NATO operations, deployability and the importance of a well-crafted Strategic Communications Plan.  For their part our Ukrainian guests briefed the current status of the security situation in their country.

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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