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US Mission to NATO Media Tour Calls into JFC Brunssum

JFC Brunssum hosted a media tour organised by the US Mission to NATO at the HQs’ International Conference Center.  Ten journalists representing a number of European NATO member and partner nations were briefed on progress in implementing Readiness Action Plan deliverables, at the operational level of military command, emanating from NATO’s 2014 Welsh Summit.

The Deputy Commander of JFC Brunssum, Lieutenant General Fernando Alejandre, welcomed the media representatives and briefly touched upon several of the most pressing challenges confronting the HQs.   Subject matter experts then provided more detailed briefs on two of JFC Brunssum’s ‘frontline priorities’ - Assurance Measures and Regional Focus.  Inevitably the discussion that ensued covered a range of issues that included: NATO’s Readiness Action Plan; the enhanced NATO Response Force; the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force; exercises; and, civil-military cooperation/partnership.

The tour also included visits to NATO Headquarters, in Brussels (Belgium), and Multinational Corps Northeast, in Szczecin (Poland).

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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