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Commander JFC Brunssum Summer Staff Address & Commendations Ceremony

Brunssum, Netherlands – Reflecting upon activities conducted over recent months General Salvatore Farina, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum, thanked his personnel for their motivation and dedication.
A clear milestone event, conducted 31 May, was the unique anniversary programme where the Headquarters clearly demonstrated its ongoing utility and the high regard with which it values established strong linkages to the local community and an unwavering desire to sustain, even improve, such links.
Looking to the near future, the General encouraged his staff to recharge and recuperate over the forthcoming summer leave period as the busy working tempo will surely not decrease as we approach the latter half of the year; especially as the NRF certification exercise, Trident Javelin 2017, will be conducted in November.
Other missions will also keep JFC Brunssum busy over the coming months: in Afghanistan, Resolute Support is a demanding mission that requires sustained engagement from its Out-Of-Theatre-Headquarters; in northern NATO’s Europe Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) initiative is on a good path but will continue to necessitate coordination and thoughtful planning of the personnel involved here in Brunssum.  Last but not least the General emphasized the importance of strengthening the existing networks established at the Joint Operational Level to improve expertise and foster extended cooperation to encourage trust and assist Headquarters interoperability.
"More together!”, the Commander stated as he concluded his staff address underlining, that only a well-trained synchronized staff, such as that at Joint Force Command Brunssum, is able to cope with all these various challenges at the same time.

On completion of his address General Farina awarded Commanders’ Commendations to personnel from the Headquarters in recognition of exceptional performance.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands