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Deputy Commander visits Exercise Dynamic Mongoose in Iceland

Reykjavik, Iceland - On 26 June 2017, Lieutenant General Juan Campíns, JFC Brunssum Deputy Commander visited Exercise Dynamic Mongoose, an Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM)-led exercise.

Dynamic Mongoose is the second annual NATO-led Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) interoperability exercise.  Its aim is to provide participants with complex and challenging warfare training to enhance their interoperability and proficiency in anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare skills.  The exercise also enables experimentation with emerging ASW concepts and technology to support the Centre of Maritime Research and Experimentation.

This year Dynamic Mongoose was conducted in Iceland and included nuclear and conventional submarines, several frigates, helicopters and maritime patrol aircraft from ten different NATO nations.  It represents the largest anti-submarine exercise conducted by NATO in the North Atlantic Area and highlights NATO’s determination to develop this important capability.

The programme included visits to a submarine, to the NRV Alliance and HNOMS R. Admunsen.  The sailing phase included an ASW demonstration involving several Frigates, submarines, helicopters and maritime patrol aircraft.

Story by Public Affairs Office JFC Brunssum

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