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EU seminar receive briefings and first-hand insight of JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, Netherlands - The Bundeswehr Centre of Communication annually organizes a ‘European Seminar’.  One of the milestones of this week-long high-level seminar, that brings influential people from all walks of life and a number of different European countries together, is the long-established briefing session at JFC Brunssum.

Warmly welcomed, on Monday 11 September, by Brigadier General Henny Bouman, this year’s ‘European Seminar’ students and future leaders - visiting as a part of a guided tour to NATO and European Union establishments in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium - received briefings and first-hand insight of JFC Brunssum’s priority tasks: the out-of-theatre enabling, empowerment and direction of NATO’s Resolute Support Mission, in Afghanistan; preparation to assume Stand-By-Command of the NATO Response Force 2018 (NRF 18); and the command, control and coordination of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) at its eastern flank.  Concomitantly, JFC Brussum maintains a dialogue and information exchange throughout NATO’s northern region with Allies and Partners – this was a subject that was also touched upon.

The briefings sparked creative and, at times, intense discussions with staff members during the group´s closing event, the "vin d’honneur”.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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