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General Salvatore Farina, chaired NATO s 4th Northern HQ Conference in Székesfehérvár, Hungary

Brunssum, Netherlands -From 20 - 22 June Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, General Salvatore Farina, chaired NATO's 4th Northern HQ Conference in Székesfehérvár at the Hungarian Joint Force Command Headquarters. The hosting commander, Lieutenant General Janos Huszár, provided the venue to gather commanders and representatives of operational and NATO Command and Force Structure Headquarters to promote cooperation within the alliance and partner nations in the northern area of Brunssum’ s Regional Focus.
The conference turned out to be very productive and useful as it provided the forum to enhance the mutual understanding and pointing out the way ahead. Frank discussions and more transparency with the partner nations ‎of the Northern Family, Finland and Sweden, are to be considered essential in further contributing to stability in Northern Europe.
"Any open dialogue is supporting our strong Alliance", General Farina underlined and specifically highlighted the role of NATO's partners in the region.
Besides many ongoing initiatives and focal points within NATO, such as the NATO Force Integration Units or the establishment of new regional Headquarters, the forum also specifically addressed the role of NATO's enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) concept, advance planning, cyber domain . By having nearly completed the implementation phase with the inauguration of the 4th eFP Battle Group in Latvia on 19 June, the way ahead now will focus on training and exercises.

General Farina expressed his sincere thanks to all participants and their contribution to ‎this invaluable important conference. "We took advantage of this forum to exchange views on topics of common regional interest", he stressed. The forum of this Northern Headquarters Conference will remain an important venue in the future to act as one NATO and further foster and strengthen partnership.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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