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JFC Brunssum Conducts NATO Military Partnership Course in Finland

Helsinki, Finland – HQ Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum planned, coordinated and conducted an Introduction to Military Partnerships Course at the Finnish Defence Forces’ International Centre, in Helsinki, from 16 to 20 October.  The primary target audience consisted of staff officers who are, or are about to become, responsible for Military Partnership activities in Ministries of Defence, the NATO Command Structure, political authorities and/or anyone likely to become involved in the Military Partnership community.
The course aim was to provide transparency of the roles and responsibilities of all Military Partnerships stakeholders such that those new to such activities are able to: situate themselves within the process; better identify their own contribution; and, importantly, know who to contact for additional direction and guidance should the need arise.  To achieve these outcomes an emphasis was placed upon establishing a network, outlining established processes and describing helpful tools that are available to assist.  
On this occasion 30 students participated in the course – 27 military and 3 civilians.  Of those, 14 were from the following NATO Partner Nations: Egypt; Finland; Ireland; Kazakhstan; Moldova; Mauritania; Pakistan; New Zealand; Ukraine; and, Uzbekistan.  Speakers travelled from a number of locations including NATO HQs, Allied Command Operations, Allied Command Transformation, JFC Brunssum, JFC Naples and the Alliance’s Land/Air-centric Single Service Commands.
The activity was universally considered a great success.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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