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General Salvatore Farina Provides Guest Lecture at LUISS University, Rome

Brunssum, Netherlands - General Farina gave a lecture at LUISS University within the framework of `lectio magistralis` 24 February, in Rome (Italy).  The General talked about NATO`s current challenges, the organisation and its activities, and the complexity of countering international terrorism.  Further, he particularly emphasised JFC Brunssum`s tasks in supporting NATO`s mission in Afghanistan.

The prestigious Roman university hosted General Farina`s lecture within the `International Private Law` course.  This lecture represents a milestone in the collaboration between LUISS and the Italian Defence, aiming to provide students with information and knowledge of international organisations.
General Farina started with an overview on NATO`s role in dealing with current challenges within the new strategic security context which was developed by Heads of States and Governments at the Lisbon Summit in 2010, serving as a sort of roadmap for NATO.
During the lecture, General Farina described the main tasks of JFC Brunssum, emphasising its 360-degree approach towards security and the importance of the deterrence and defence concept established during the Wales and Warsaw Summits and implemented through the enhanced NATO Response Force, which has a higher deterrence potential in order ‘to avoid conflict, not to provoke it’.
Finally, General Farina provided an oversight of the Resolute Support mission, in Afghanistan, for which he is the Out-of-Theatre Commander.  He explained that the Allies provide Afghan security and defence forces with training, assistance and advice.  Furthermore, he stated that NATO is fully committed to consolidate national institutions and give Afghanistan a brighter future.  For this, collaboration with other international institutions, such as the EU which is currently facing migration flows as a consequence of instability and conflicts of the region, is essential.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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