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UK Chief of Joint Operations Calls into JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, Netherlands - The UK Chief of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer, visited the HQ on 29 March.  Having just completed a visit to the British Battle Group deploying to Estonia as part of a broader Alliance effort that is geared towards deterrence, Sir John seized the opportunity to call into JFC Brunssum to receive an update on the work being conducted by the Staff in support of enhanced Forward Presence.  
In the absence of the Command Group, the Deputy Chiefs of Staff for Plans and Operations (Rear Admiral Simon Harden and Major General Scott Smith), supported by the key subject matter experts, covered key issues with a special focus on the need to coordinate strategic messaging. 

Lieutenant General Lorimer concluded his visit with a short discussion with British Service personnel serving in JFC Brunssum.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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