Bydgoszcz, Poland - Monday 12 March marked the official beginning of the Brilliant Joust 2018 exercise during which JFC Brunssum will interact with all NRF 18 components. The exercise is being executed in the Joint Force Training Centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland.
In his opening statement, the Commander of JFTC, Major General Wilhem Grün emphasized the fact that his Training Centre is supporting JFCBS for the second time in this type of exercise and, as with other training events, will stay in close cooperation with all 600 participants for the next two weeks.
JFCBS Commander, General Riccardo Marchiò, thanked Major General Grün for his support and an extensive effort to prepare this venue. "Brilliant Joust 2018 is one of the major events for JFC Brunssum this year because it enables our joint interaction with NRF components. As emphasized by SACEUR – our readiness is one of our first priorities, and this exercise will allow us to understand how we can better support each other in the best manner to be ready to execute NRF tasks when the need arises” said the Commander. General Marchiò also underlined the need to understand the second- and third-level implications of military decisions taken on the operational level. "The capability we have to increase our interaction within the joint environment is of paramount importance, continuity is key and our values allow us to be Stronger Together” said the Commander.
The NATO Response Force (NRF) continues to provide NATO's primary reactive capability in emerging crises, conflicts or disasters. The NATO Response Force (NRF) was established in 2002 as a high readiness force comprising of air, land, maritime and special forces units capable of rapid deployment. The NRF is capable of performing a wide variety of tasks including immediate collective defence response capability, crisis management & peace support operations and disaster relief including the protection of critical infrastructure.
The Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland, plans, prepares and executes joint tactical level training for NATO and Partner forces. Capable of supporting up to Joint Force Command level exercises, it provides NATO with a flexible, professional training centre for current operations, emerging requirements, readiness, and certification exercises. JFTC is the flagship of NATO pre-deployment training, focal point for NATO Command Structure and NATO Force Structure exercises, and state-of-the-art location for experimentation and innovation.
Story by Publlic Affairs Office JFC Brunssum