Bydgoszcz, Poland – JFC Brunssum Commander, General Riccardo Marchiò visited NATO’s Force Integration Unit, Poland, Wednesday 14 March.
During the visit, the NFIU Commander - Colonel Artur Bogowicz - explained the mission and structure of his unit and outlined its role and responsibilities. He further described his interaction with other NATO Force Structure commands and national entities, with whom the NFIU is cooperating. General Marchiò expressed his appreciation for the valuable work of the NFIU in support of the NATO Response Force and his own Headquarters.
NFIU Poland is one of six NFIUs in JFC Brunssum’s area of responsibility. These force structures (not tactical HQs) have been created to provide the Reception, Staging and Onward Movement function of NRF deployments and provide a capacity to enhance NATO’s planning, training and logistical deployments, when needed.
As part of NATO’s adaptation to security challenges from the east and the south, the Alliance has established eight Force Integration Units in Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. This follows a decision taken at the Wales Summit in September 2014 as part of NATO’s Readiness Action Plan (RAP). The RAP is a comprehensive package of measures designed to respond to the changed security environment on the Alliance’s borders.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office