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Commander JFC Brunssum Conducts Initial Situational Awareness Trip to Afghanistan

Brunssum, the Netherlands – General Riccardo Marchiò, Commander JFC Brunssum, conducted his first situational awareness trip to NATO’s Resolute Support mission (RSM), in Afghanistan, 02 – 05 March.  

General Marchiò commenced his trip by visiting the Headquarters of RSM where he was updated on the latest developments.  In Kabul, Commander JFC Brunssum also met the Minister of Interior, Mr. Wais Ahmad Barmak, the Minister of Defence, Mr. Tariq Shah Bahrami, and the National Security Advisor, Mr. Mohammad Hanif Atmar.  General Marchiò underlined that RSM is as committed as ever to training, advising and assisting the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.

The political situation and the challenges related to the upcoming elections were, amongst other issues, topics discussed with the NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, Ambassador Cornelius Zimmermann, and representatives of the diplomatic community in Kabul.

Note: As Commander of the out-of-theatre operational command (JFC Brunssum) for RSM General Marchiò ensures his headquarters does everything possible to enable those deployed to concentrate on their in-theatre responsibilities.  For example, amongst other support, JFC Brunssum runs the RSM budget, oversees pre-deployment key leader training and develops operational plans for the mission.

Story by Public Affairs Office JFC Brunssum

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