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Fifth Northern Headquarters Conference in Tallinn, Estonia

Brunssum, the Netherlands – From 22 to 24 May, the fifth Northern Headquarters Conference took place in Tallinn, Estonia. The conference was held at flag level and was chaired by the Commander of JFC Brunssum, General Riccardo Marchiὸ.  

The Northern Headquarters Conference is organised once a year and aims to discuss issues of common regional interest with Northern Allies and Partners on the operational level.  This year the focus was on "Deterrence”. The NATO member states agreed at the Warsaw Summit in 2016 to invest more in collective defence and to renew NATO’s deterrence approach. Rather than aiming to create a new plan for deterrence, the conference was held for the sharing of information and experience and to increase situational awareness.
The conference was used as a platform to discuss additional options on the operational level to demonstrate NATO’s credibility, presence and actions in the Northern Region of Alliance territory.
The Commander of JFC Brunssum thanked the Estonian Chief of Defence for hosting this event and stressed the value of having such a conference: "This meeting helps to set the best conditions for a common understanding and for future tasks inside our Northern Family”, he said.  
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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