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Incoming Resolute Support Commander Visits JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, the Netherlands - US Army General Austin S Miller will become the new Commander of the NATO-led 'Resolute Support' mission and US Forces-Afghanistan, replacing US Army General John W Nicholson, who has led the mission in the Central Asian country since March 2016.
General Miller is set to take over the position in a military ceremony to be held on 2 September at 'Resolute Support' headquarters in Kabul.

In May 2018, General Miller was nominated for promotion to General and assignment as Commander of the Resolute Support mission (RS), and Commander, US Forces - Afghanistan (USFOR-A). He testified before the US Senate Armed Services Committee on June 19 and was confirmed by a vote of the full Senate on June 28.

In his visit today General Miller was briefed on the role and responsibilities of JFC Brunssum with a special focus on the support he can expect from this out-of-theatre operational-level Joint Force Command as it executes its allocated task to empower, enable and direct the RS mission. Amongst a myriad of other issues JFC Brunssum provides the following to RS: budgetary oversight; pre-deployment training; the staffing of urgent infrastructure requirements; and the generation of periodic mission reviews.

In short remarks on conclusion of the programme General Marchiò, Commander JFC Brunssum, underlined the commitment of his headquarters to RS whilst General Miller expressed thanks for such an enlightening series of briefings and thoughtful discussion.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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