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JFC Brunssum Conducts Training in Uzbekistan

Brunssum, the Netherlands - A team of personnel from Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum  conducted an Expert Team visit (ETV) to the Military Academy at Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 03 - 06 Sep; the purpose of the visit was to provide an overview of NATO, its structure, values, aims and objectives.
The delegation, comprising Commander Yasen Kenarov, Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Janssen, Major Christophe Gomel and Warrant Officer Leo Roos, conducted a series of briefings that included: the NATO Command and Force Structures; current Alliance missions and operations; the NATO Exercise Planning Process; NATO’s logistic principles; the law of armed conflict; military public affairs; the Alliance’s approach to Strategic Communications; and civil/military cooperation.  Briefings were delivered to a lively audience of 16 officers from the Uzbek Armed Forces who had many questions. 
At the invitation of Mr Mihalis Popkovs, Ambassador of Latvia and the NATO representative in Uzbekistan, ETV members visited the Latvian embassy.  During an informal meeting they discussed the purpose of their trip with representatives of other NATO countries’ delegations.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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