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JFC Brunssum Has New Deputy Commander

Brunssum, the Netherlands – This afternoon Lieutenant General Juan Campins (Spanish) was succeeded by Lieutenant General Stuart Skeates CBE (British) as Deputy Commander, JFC Brunssum.  Educated at the Judd School in Tonbridge (UK), King’s College London and Cranfield University General Skeates was commissioned into the Royal Artillery in 1989.  He has served in the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, participated in the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and served in Northern Ireland in the final years of Operation Banner. 

Lieutenant General Skeates has been the Commanding Officer of 26th Regiment Royal Artillery in Gütersloh (Germany), Deputy Commander of 52nd Brigade (deployed as Task Force Helmand in Afghanistan) and then Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff (Operations) for Afghanistan and Pakistan at the UK’s Permanent Joint Headquarters.  In December 2009 he was appointed Commander of 19th Light Brigade then, in 2011, Deputy Commander of 1 Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward).  In August 2013 he became Commandant of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.  Fresh from an appointment as the UK’s Standing Joint Force Commander (since 24 June 2015) JFC Brunssum extends a warm welcome to its new Deputy Commander.

Click here for more pictures of the ceremony 

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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