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JFC Brunssum Host Children and Armed Conflict Training

Brunssum, the Netherlands - From 11 to 12 Oct, the JFC Brunssum Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) team hosted a 2-day Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC) training seminar to develop expertise within the headquarters with regard to the protection of children affected by armed

At the 2014 Wales Summit NATO reiterated its commitment to the implementation of UNSCR 1612 and a ‘road-map’ directing CAAC Focal Points to be trained on ‘human rights’ and international humanitarian law (IHL). This JFC Brunssum event was aimed at enhancing and
integrating knowledge of CAAC, and highlighting NATO’s responsibilities under IHL. To ensure that the training was relevant and focussed, JFC Brunssum CIMIC invited the participation of the UN Office for the Special Representative of the United Nations, Save the Children, the Romeo
Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative, the All Survivors Project and NATO Allied Command Transformation.

The seminar covered challenging topics ranging from child-soldiers and gender-based issues on operations to abuse in governmental detention centres. Training material was delivered through a series of lectures, discussions, working groups and an immersive virtual reality training package.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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