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JFC Brunssum Sends Training Team to AZERBAIJAN

Brunssum, the Netherlands – Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Military Partnership Branch together with the Joint Assessment Division conducted an Expert Team Visit (ETV) to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence in Baku from 24 to 28 September.  The main objective of the visit was to provide an introduction to the way in which Operations Assessment is conducted within NATO.
This Military Outreach and Engagement activity was planned, prepared and executed by JFC Brunssum’s Military Partnership Branch in cooperation with the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence.  It is one of two Partnership Cooperation activities between NATO and Azerbaijan that will take place in 2018.

The JFC Brunssum delegation conducted lectures covering the NATO Operations Assessment process during planning and execution of operations.  The programme included classroom discussions, syndicate work and presentations for the benefit of 20 officers drawn from the Azerbaijan Armed Forces.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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