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NRDC ITALY takes over Responsibility as the NRF18 Land Component Command

Brunssum, the Netherlands – On January 10th 2018 Commander JFC Brunssum, General Salvatore Farina, attended the Hand Over-Take Over ceremony between the British-led Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) and the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy (NRDC-ITA) in Solbiate Olona (Italy), also attended by Commander Allied Land Command, Lieutenant General Darryl A. Williams, and  the Chief of the Italian Army, Lieutenant General Danilo Errico.

NRDC-ITA, under the command of Lieutenant General Roberto Perretti, takes over responsibility from the ARRC as Land Component Command of the 2018 NATO Response Force (NRF) , led by JFC Brunssum. NRDC-ITA was certified for NRF duties during exercise Brilliant Ledger 2017, one of the certification exercises conducted by JFC Brunssum as the designated stand-by command element  for this year’s NRF  starting on January 1st .
The NRF18 Land Component Command is based in Solbiate Olona and led by Italy, which provides about 75% of the staff. The remaining 25% are military personnel from other 12 countries for a total of about 400 men and women. The other components of the NATO Response Force 18 – air, maritime and special operations – are commanded respectively by the German Joint Force Air Command based in Kalkar, the French Aero-Naval Rapid Reaction Force based in Toulon and the Spanish Special Operations Command based in Menorca.
Story by Public Affairs Office JFC Brunssum

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