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European Seminar gains insight into JFC Brunssum tasks and responsibilities

Brunssum, the Netherlands - The Bundeswehr Centre of Excellence for Information and Communication annually organises – on behalf of the German Ministry of Defence - a ‘European Seminar.’ The aim is to provide a deeper insight into the workings of institutions such as the EU and NATO. One of the milestones of this week-long high-level seminar, that brings influential people from all walks of life and a number of different European countries together, is a long-established briefing session at Headquarters JFC Brunssum.

Warmly welcomed, on Monday 9 September, by Major General Antonio Bettelli, Deputy Chief of Staff (Support), this year’s ‘European Seminar’ students and future leaders - visiting as a part of a guided tour to NATO and European Union establishments in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium - received briefings and first-hand insight of one of JFC Brunssum’s priority tasks: control and coordination of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) on NATO’s north-eastern flank. The evolution of Europe’s security environment since 2014, NATO’s subsequent adaptation to confront evolving security challenges, and the achievements of eFP Battlegroups constituted topics briefed.

The briefings sparked creative and, at times, intense discussions with staff members during the group´s closing serial, a "vin d’honneur”.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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