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Azerbaijan cadets visit JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, the Netherlands – Thursday 26 September JFC Brunssum (JFCBS) welcomed a group of 5 cadets and one officer from Heydar Aliyev Military High School (Baku, Azerbaijan) and, their SHAPE escort, for a visit to the HQs. The event is part of the Azerbaijan (AZE) ‘Tour De NATO 2019’ for cadets, organised by the SHAPE Partnership Directorate, and is intended to highlight NATO to different educational and command levels of the AZE forces. The aim of the event was to increase knowledge and understanding of JFCBS’ role, mission, tasks and structures.

Amongst others, topics briefed included JFCBS’ mission, military cooperation with Partners and, in particular, JFCBS’ military cooperation with AZE. As part of the programme the cadets participated in a round table with junior officers from different divisions of the HQs where they had the opportunity to table their questions regarding NATO and the challenges posed as a result of working in a multinational environment.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands