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30th Anniversary of Fall of Berlin Wall


Brunssum, the Netherlands – today General Erhard Bühler, Commander JFC Brunssum, directed a short pause in the conduct of Exercise Trident Jupiter to appropriately mark the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the end of the Cold War, of which the fall of the Berlin Wall is the enduring symbol. 

At the beginning of the daily situational awareness briefing that is part of the exercise battle-rhythm the General made a profound statement that started with the following words: As your commander and as a German officer it is still a deeply moving thing for me to remember the hours when freedom prevailed over tyranny.  

General Bühler seized the opportunity to pay tribute to friends and allies who had guaranteed the freedom of half the city of Berlin and West Germany for forty years and underlined the point that this historic event would most likely have been unthinkable without NATO, the most successful and powerful military alliance in history.     

It is a great honor for me to serve at your side

Drawing to a close the General said: It is our noble task to protect and defend the freedom that was first saved for more than forty years and then newly regained thirty years ago. As this year NATO is celebrating its seventieth anniversary, you will surely understand why hashtag #wearenato has a very special meaning to me. It is a great honor for me to serve at your side. We are NATO.

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office


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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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