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Commander JFC Brunssum visits Latvia

Riga, Latvia - General Erhard Bühler, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, followed the invitation to the NATO-Exercise "Steadfast Pyramide", led by SHAPE, at the Latvian Joint Headquarters on 12 September.  As a keynote speaker, the General delivered a speech to the high-ranked audience, especially the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR), General Sir James Everard.

Highlighting the importance of the exercise, the General stated:

I trust in good leadership and I know that by those measures we can prepare military leaders for the full spectrum of NATO military missions

Exercise "Steadfast Pyramid 2019" aims to enhance senior officers’ and commanders' ability to plan and conduct joint operations. The exercise will be based on NATO’s Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive, one of the Alliance's key planning documents for joint operations. During the exercise, a scenario approximating the current security situation will be played out. This includes collective defence operations in the context of political and hybrid warfare risks.

"Steadfast Pyramid" is the first of two high-level exercises designed to broaden the knowledge of our most senior officers. The second exercise, "Steadfast Pinnacle", will run up to the middle of September and include training for senior commanders in operational planning.

During the visit the Commander also met the Latvian Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Leonid Kalniņš, for bilateral talks concerning the multinational engagement in NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence on the Alliance’s north-eastern flank.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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