Brunssum, the Netherlands – tomorrow, Exercise Trident Jupiter (TRJU19) commences at JFC Brunssum (JFCBS); it will be conducted until close of business Thursday 14 November, including over the weekend 09/10 November. TRJU19 is a defensive multi-tiered command post exercise (CPX) of enormous complexity, set within an Article V scenario, that inter alia embraces two strategic Joint Operational Areas, has eleven training audiences and impacts nine nations. As such it presents a real challenge that, by design, will stretch all involved.
The exercise has numerous training objectives but, perhaps the most vital to JFCBS, is that it will train and evaluate the 2020 NATO Response Force (NRF) package, for which JFCBS will be the standby NRF Command.
Vigilance is the Price of Liberty
The Alliance’s military exercise programme allows for a critical examination of current processes and emerging capabilities to ensure NATO is ready to cope with any security threat. For example, this exercise specifically incorporates cyber challenges and the recognition of space as a domain in its own right. This is a clear indication that NATO is responding to a fast-changing security environment with innovation and flexibility in both posture and mind-set. Changes are both evolutionary and revolutionary, allowing the Alliance to focus on deterrence and collective defence while continuing to project stability and provide assurance.

In summary, exercises such as TRJU are conducted to ensure NATO remains at high levels of readiness and capability. In keeping with Allied Command Operation’s motto ‘Vigilance is the Price of Liberty’, exercises enable NATO to identify, and if called upon, react in a decisive manner to any potential threat, reflecting our commitment to a shared response to a common threat that lies at the heart of our credibility. ‘Team Brunssum’ will benefit enormously from this exercise as the knowledge of new staff grows, and that of existing staff is refreshed, such that they will all be able to bring their collective experience to the table.