JFC Brunssum

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Four-Day Liberation Festival Draws to a Close in Brunssum

Brunssum, the Netherlands – In the wake of a wonderful day of Remembrance 19 September (see Article dated 20 September) honouring the 328 British soldiers who have found their final resting place in the Brunssum War Cemetery, festivities continued Friday 20 September with a Families & Veterans Day in the centre of the town – on the Lindeplein and in the Vijverpark / Edenpark. Following an official opening ceremony with short speeches from the Mayor of Brunssum, Mr Gerd Leers, and the Commander JFC Brunssum, General Erhard Bühler, a varied programme of musical performances, food / drinks stalls, static displays of military equipment from a number of NATO member nations, sports and games for all ages got underway. By any measure the event proved a huge success with, at one point, in excess of 1500 people in attendance. The day eventually drew to a close with a superb concert provided by the Heeres Musik Korps, from Koblenz. Closing remarks were made by the Mayor and Deputy Commander JFC Brunssum, Lieutenant General Stuart Skeates, CBE.

After two high-tempo days Saturday 21 September delivered a cultural educational programme in the Brikke Oave that, through the mediums of lectures, debate, educational projects, theatre and discussion invited the audience to consider the true meaning of freedom and provided time for reflection.

Sunday 22 September saw a musical Tattoo take place on the Koutenveld, where renowned Dutch national and regional orchestras participated. This was followed, at 1815, by a Ticker Tape parade in the city’s centre. Captain Linda Schrader (staff officer at JFC Brunssum) was the parade commander. She led a procession comprising more than 50 historic vehicles and a broad number of musical companies and local institutions. A multi-national platoon led by Major Antonio Sportelli, from Italy, represented JFC Brunssum. The parade was jointly reviewed by Mayor Leers and Lieutenant General Skeates. At 2100 the 4-day Liberation Festival concluded with a superb fireworks display from the Vijverpark.

For more images, please visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/jfcbrunssum/albums/72157711025782076

Captain Linda Schrader (staff officer at JFC Brunssum) was the parade commander
A multi-national platoon led by Major Antonio Sportelli, from Italy, represented JFC Brunssum
The parade was jointly reviewed by Mayor Leers and Lieutenant General Skeates.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


JFCBS HQ Brunssum
PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands