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Nov 11 2019

General Bühler Visits Joint Warfare Centre

Stavanger, Norway - General Erhard Erhard Bühler, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), visited NATO’s Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) in Stavanger, Norway, 9 to 10 November to observe the ongoing NATO Exercise TRIDENT JUPITER 19.  Whilst there, the General met with Headquarters Eurocorps leadership and staff (undergoing training at JWC) as, upon completion of the exercise, they will be certified as the Land Component Command for the NATO Response Force (NRF) 2020.


TRIDENT JUPITER 19 is an Article 5 – “collective defence”- high intensity exercise designed to train the NRF package and evaluate their Component Commands’ planning and conduct of a high intensity military operation. 

The serial is a Computer-Assisted Command Post Exercise based on a fictitious scenario.  Headquarters staffs and units have the opportunity to test their processes in a controlled environment in order to refine and improve coordination / interoperability at all levels.


General Bühler highlighted the important role of Joint Warfare Centre as they have worked tirelessly to build the scenario with the desired effect to make NATO better through this complex operational level exercise.


The General appreciated well-engaged and well-trained soldiers: “I saw competent and passionate leaders with outstanding capabilities, all in all excellently prepared for NRF.”    

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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