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General Bühler Visits United States


Brunssum, the Netherlands – 09 to 12 December, General Erhard Bühler, Commander JFC Brunssum (JFCBS), visited the United States for a series of official engagements.


First: he attended the 2019 Chief of Transformation Conference in Norfolk, Virginia, hosted by the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, General André Lanata. There he engaged with senior leadership to further strengthen the relationship between Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and JFCBS. At the conference, General Bühler was particularly encouraged by the willingness of delegates to move increasingly quickly towards the identification of new and emerging technologies, in the industry at large, such that they can be applied more quickly to current and future security challenges confronting the Alliance.

Second: General Bühler had an office call with Vice Admiral Andrew L. Lewis, USN, Commander JFC Norfolk, and his command group. This engagement was very successful and served to develop/strengthen the relationship established between JFCBS and the new JFC in Norfolk. The Commanders engaged in an open discussion with the objective of assisting JFC Norfolk as it seeks to establish full operational capability and incorporation into the ACO command structure.

Third: the General met with German military personnel assigned to the Norfolk area. Thirty staff from ACT and JFC Norfolk were in attendance (see photo).

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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