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General Erhard Bühler Visits NATO Response Force Units in Poland

Warsaw, Poland - General Erhard Bühler, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, visited certified NATO Response Force (NRF) units in Poland from 9 to 11 September.

In Warsaw the Commander met the Polish Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Rajmund T. Andrzejczak, and the General Commander of the Polish Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Jaroslaw Mika, for bilateral talks concerning Polish engagement in NATO’s Resolute Support in Afghanistan, as well as the enhanced Forward Presence on the Alliance’s north-eastern flank, and the NATO Response Force (NRF) in Poland and the Baltics. The Commander underlined the importance of the Polish Forces to NATO and the upcoming NRF standby phase in 2020.

I have seen well-engaged and well-trained soldiers, competent and passionate leaders, sophisticated equipment and outstanding capabilities, all units are excellently prepared for NRF 2020.

In Krakow the Commander visited the Polish Special Forces Component HQs. "I am impressed by your tradition, your capabilities and your rigouros programme to prepare for NRF 2020", he said.

General Bühler alo gained insight of the Polish 21st Podhale Riflemen Brigade in Rzeszow and the Polish 4th CBRN Regiment, based in Brodnica.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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