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Hungarian Staff College Visits JFC Brunssum

Brunssum, the Netherlands - Thursday 28 March JFC Brunssum was pleased to host a visit of the Hungarian Staff College in order to brief students on the roles and responsibilities of the HQs. This visit was part of a tour where the College visited a number of different headquarters. The delegation was led by Professor General Zoltán Szenes, PhD, (Rtd.), head of the college’s Security and Defence Studies faculty, who is also the former Hungarian Chief of Defence.

The Hungarian Senior Military Leader Postgraduate University Level Programme, as the highest National Military Education, offers a 10-month residential programme. The curriculum prepares selected military leaders (national and foreign) for the responsibilities of strategic leadership and educates them on the development and employment of strategic power.

Upon completion of this programme students are considered competent to hold senior positions in the Hungarian Defence Force subject to achieving the rank of colonel.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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