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JFC Brunssum Conducts Expert Team Visit to Belarus

Brunssum, the Netherlands – in accordance with the schedule of agreed activities developed between NATO and Belarus for 2019 (the Individual Partnership & Cooperation Programme) a small team from JFC Brunssum deployed to Minsk 01-05 April.  Their task was to deliver a tailored package of briefings that, together, served to provide a comprehensive overview of the Alliance’s history, evolution, values and continued relevance in a week that coincidentally celebrated the 70th anniversary of NATO. 

The team comprised: Lieutenant Colonel Hunot; Lieutenant Commander Ward; Major Gomel; Captain Rakower; and Mr Mellor. 

The ‘all officer’ audience was drawn from a number of branches of the Belarusian Armed Forces and included ranks from Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel.  The interaction was extremely well received.  As a consequence both lecturers and students gained from the experience.  The final Expert Team Visit from JFC Brunssum to Belarus is planned for September on the subject of medical planning & execution within NATO missions.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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