Brunssum, the Netherlands – On 10 April 2019 Headquarters Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) hosted the first NATO Security Force Assistance (SFA) round-table at the operational level with the participation of representatives from NATO Headquarters, Joint Force Command Naples (JFCNP), NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy (NRDC-ITA), NATO Mission Iraq (NMI), Air Component Command (ACC), Multi-National CIMIC Group Headquarters (MNCG HQ), Joint Center for International Security Force Assistance (JCISFA), Dutch Army representatives, the NATO SFA Centre of Excellence (COE) and JFCBS Divisions, including the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee.
The round-table was organized by the Doctrine and Lessons Learned Branch of JFCBS’ Training & Exercises Division and supported by the NATO SFA COE, based in Cesano (Rome), Italy. Brigadier General Almantas Leika, Assistant Chief of Staff (Plans), the JFCBS Training & Exercises Division Head, welcomed attendees and underlined the importance of SFA as an integral element of the Resolute Support mission (RSm). The event was chaired by Captain Loic Michel, Doctrine and Lessons Learned Branch Head, and co-chaired by the NATO SFA Centre of Excellence (COE) Director, Colonel Francesco Merlino.
The purpose of the SFA round table was to enhance understanding of SFA activities in the framework of NATO Projecting Stabilities, and to develop expertise and knowledge of SFA at the operational level. The exchanges were intense and fruitful: the richness of the multicultural and multinational panel of the audience brought their unique contribution, thanks to their diverse experiences in the field.
This new SFA roundtable helped to expand the SFA community and gave the participants a unique opportunity to discuss common topics related to SFA, such as standardization of terms and procedures, training, and educational activities.
Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office