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Commander JFC Brunssum Addresses his Staff

Brunssum, the Netherlands – Friday 13 December, General Erhard Bühler (Commander JFCBS) took the opportunity to address his staff at the end of a busy year and before the Christmas break. Amongst other issues, the Commander highlighted the excellent working spirit that exists throughout the headquarters that enables ‘Team Brunssum’ to be the capable joint operational HQs it is.

Blessed with highly competent and connected personnel the General went on to emphasize JFCBS stands ready to deter any potential aggressor in Northern Europe. Drawing to a close the General asked that his thanks be passed on to the partners and families of staff members for their support and understanding.  Turning back to the staff he said:

‘Return in the New Year refreshed and ready to continue to improve our processes, capabilities and readiness.’

Upon completion of his remarks, the General officially recognized a number of staff for their outstanding performance as follows

NATO Meritorious Service Medal

n  Lieutenant Colonel Falko Schwarz, Germany

Commanders’ Commendation

n  Mr Ioannis Anthiropoulos, Greece

n  Major Quentin Baffet, France

n  Commander Ernst Norvall Boe, Norway

n  Commander Peter Dannerfjord, Denmark

n  Lieutenant Colonel Cenk Emistekinkaraca, Turkey

n  Sergeant Nicola Ganda, Great Britain

n  Chief Petty Officer Justin Garrett, United States of America

n  Major Johannes Lutsch, Germany

n  Lieutenant Colonel Frank Mouchaers, Belgium

n  Commander Yves Péant, France

n  Flight Sergeant Shane Rousell, Great Britain

n  Lieutenant Colonel Vlastimil Schlinger, Czech Republic

n  Captain Linda Schrader, the Netherlands

n  Lieutenant Colonel Steven Schreeg, Germany

n  Lieutenant Colonel Paolo Spagnoli, Italy

The following were not able to attend today’s ceremony and will be presented with their Commendations at a later date:

n  Major Alexandra Barbulescu, Romania

n  Lieutenant Colonel Alessandro Concari, Italy

n  Lieutenant Commander Steven Powell, Great Britain

n  Commander Nicholas Reed, Great Britain

n  Major Eric Ty, United States of America

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


JFCBS HQ Brunssum
PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands