Upon completion of his remarks, the General officially recognized a number of staff for their outstanding performance as follows
NATO Meritorious Service Medal
n Lieutenant Colonel Falko Schwarz, Germany
Commanders’ Commendation
n Mr Ioannis Anthiropoulos, Greece
n Major Quentin Baffet, France
n Commander Ernst Norvall Boe, Norway
n Commander Peter Dannerfjord, Denmark
n Lieutenant Colonel Cenk Emistekinkaraca, Turkey
n Sergeant Nicola Ganda, Great Britain
n Chief Petty Officer Justin Garrett, United States of America
n Major Johannes Lutsch, Germany
n Lieutenant Colonel Frank Mouchaers, Belgium
n Commander Yves Péant, France
n Flight Sergeant Shane Rousell, Great Britain
n Lieutenant Colonel Vlastimil Schlinger, Czech Republic
n Captain Linda Schrader, the Netherlands
n Lieutenant Colonel Steven Schreeg, Germany
n Lieutenant Colonel Paolo Spagnoli, Italy
The following were not able to attend today’s ceremony and will be presented with their Commendations at a later date:
n Major Alexandra Barbulescu, Romania
n Lieutenant Colonel Alessandro Concari, Italy
n Lieutenant Commander Steven Powell, Great Britain
n Commander Nicholas Reed, Great Britain
n Major Eric Ty, United States of America