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NATO Exercise Planning Team Visits Uzbekistan

Brunssum, the Netherlands - From 18 to 22 March a team from JFC Brunssum (JFCBS) conducted an Expert Team Visit (ETV) to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on the subject of the Exercise Planning in NATO.

Over three days the team, comprising Lieutenant Colonel Leszek Bojarski and Lieutenant Colonel Grzegorz Remiszewski (both from the JFC Brunssum Training and Exercise Branch), and Lieutenant Commander Michelle Ward (from the HQ Military Partnership Branch), provided a variety of briefings. The audience of approximately 15 personnel included senior instructors from the Armed Forces Academy in Tashkent, as well as a number of post graduate students. Topics briefed and discussed included the development of Training Objectives, how to develop a timeline and considerations to be taken into account when developing a scenario.

There was close cooperation between JFCBS and the Armed Forces Academy prior to the ETV, including a successful Video Teleconference for the first time. This was the second of three ETVs planned to take place in Tashkent this year.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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