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Nov 13 2019

Partners Engage in Exercise Trident Jupiter 2019

Brunssum, the Netherlands – Military partnership is one of the Alliance’s high priorities. With this in mind 12 representatives from 5 partner nations (Finland, Georgia, Jordan, Sweden and Ukraine) were invited to travel to JFC Brunssum in order to observe and, where possible, participate in Exercise Trident Jupiter 2019 (TRJU19) from 03 to 14 November.  As part of a mutually beneficial programme partner officers engaged with JFC Brunssum staff and exchanged their experiences / knowledge in a common effort to bolster shared understanding and improve operational effectiveness.

The twelve partner officers who participated in TRJU19 at JFC Brunssum.

Involvement of partners in TRJU19 was not limited to JFC Brunssum; others were hosted by NATO’s Air Component Command (Ramstein, Germany), the Alliance’s Joint Warfare Centre (Stavanger, Norway) and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (Mons, Belgium). Altogether 64 partner representatives from 7 nations (Azerbaijan, Finland, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Sweden and Ukraine) participated.

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
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6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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