Erhard Bühler, commander of Joint Force Command in Brunssum, says goodbye. For the first time in history, the command is hand over without ceremony.
"We have other priorities."
Limburg looks like Bavaria in miniature
General Erhard Bühler and Limburg, that was love at the first sight. The general who says goodbye to Joint Force Command in Brunssum has a simple explanation for this. Limburg is like home.
“I was born and raised in Bavaria. It is located in the south of my country, has its own dialect, we celebrate the Oktoberfest and love a good glass of beer. You could call Bavaria the Limburg of Germany. ”
It is not surprising that Bühler visited the Oktoberfest in his hometown of Sittard. Neighbors were invited for a barbecue in the summer. Hospitality comes first for people from Bavaria. "I also experienced the hospitality from the Limburg people as special here."

During 44 year, Bühler's career took him around the world. In Brunssum it should have been a nice farewell as commander of JFC. A change of command ceremony at this level is unique, Only for a few, a ceremony like the Change of Command is reserved. The "change of power" is a military highlight. Of course, for this change of command festivity is no option.
,, It will be the first time in 55 years that a change of command ceremony is cancelled. But that was not a difficult decision. There are families who cannot even say goodbye to their loved ones. I have asked NATO's Commander in Chief (General Tod Wolters) to conduct a video conference with those who are involved. and those who are involved is also a limited group of people. ”
The next stop for Bühler is Berlin. His wife Suzana works there. During the time they were living in Limburg, she traveled to the Limburg area every weekend. ,, She also felt at home here. She has to work a few more years. That's why I'm going to live in Berlin too. However, I will continue to come back to Limburg. ”
This is not only because of the friendship that has been built up with former mayor Gerd Leers and governor Theo Bovens. “I am a member of an European think tank which is seeking solutions for issues in safety, health and nature protection. We meet each other twice a year in Neercanne. ”
During those occasions, the general will take the time to visit the 'hinterland'. “I've traveled all my career for meetings. I was on the plane longer than I was at a location. I want to travel with my wife. We are both interested in history such as ancient Egypt and Syria. We have never made real holiday trips. I have been able to visit many places in the Netherlands since I took office in Brunssum. I really enjoyed that. ”
Substantial steps have been taken under Bühler command to strengthen the connection between JFC and Brunssum. That will not be lost on his departure. "Our soldiers must be residents of Brunssum. Several projects are ongoing in this area and this projects will continue. We will continue to further tighten the bound.”
This text has been provided with the kind permission of the author.