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Dec 10 2020

Commander JFC Brunssum Annual Christmas Staff Address and Commendations Ceremony

Brunssum, The Netherlands - Reflecting upon activities conducted over the past year General Jörg Vollmer, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum, thanked his personnel for their dedication and commitment in an insightful speech stating:

“COVID was challenging for all of us but, thanks to your professionalism, we were always successful.  All our missions as a 24/7 warfighting headquarters continued without interruption: The Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan; eFP activities and rotations; Baltic Air Policing sorties and rotations; and the execution of pre-planned exercises such as Brilliant Jump 20 that culminated in the deployment of the spearhead element of the NATO Response Force – the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force – to Lithuania.  And, very recently, within JFCBS we conducted our internal exercise (Brilliant Bonus) that was designed to practice our procedures and processes in time of crisis and introduce new staff to our battle rhythm.  In all of this your dedication and determination shone through repeatedly delivering successful outcomes such that our forces were properly trained and integrated with host nation colleagues, we have assured the populations of northern European nations that the Alliance is committed to guaranteeing their security, and we have deterred potential aggressors.  You have really impressed me with your collective professional attitude; I am proud of you and honoured to be your Commander.”   

The General concluded his staff address by passing his best wishes to everyone for the holiday season: “Enjoy the well-deserved time with your family, keep yourself and your family healthy”, he said.

Upon completion of his remarks, General Vollmer officially presented the following awards:

NATO Meritorious Service Medal – Operations:

•Major Philippe Stuyts, Belgium.

•Commander Rudy Medina, United States of America.

•Senior Master Sergeant Kai Sasse, Germany.

NATO Meritorious Service Medal – Non-Operations:

•Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Kleffner, Germany.

•Warrant Officer Ian Robinson, Great Britain, was presented his ‘NATO Meritorious Service Medal – Non-operational’ 11 December as he could not attend today’s ceremony.

Note: The NATO Meritorious Service Medal is the highest NATO medal awarded by the NATO Secretary General to a select number of military and civilian personnel serving under NATO command and control.  The medal is awarded for recognition of distinguished and outstanding service to the Alliance.

SACEUR recognition award:

•Lieutenant Colonel Markus Homberg, Germany.

Note: The SACEUR Recognition Award was established in order to recognise exceptional service and outstanding individual achievement in a way that may be career enhancing for the recipient. 

The Commanders’ Group Commendation to the Austere Challenge 2021 Core Team comprising:

•Captain Micah Maxwell, United States of America.

•Colonel Kyle Bayless, United States of America.

•Commander Randy Conant, United States of America.

•Commander Miguel Bravo Garcia, Spain.

•Lieutenant Colonel Peter Piette, The Netherlands.

•Major Patrick Coeck, Belgium.

•Lieutenant Commander Kim Poirrier, Canada.

•Major David Lebel, Canada.

•Mr. David Foldy, United States of America.

The Commanders’ Commendation:

•Colonel Guido Bottacchiari, Italy.

•Major Davey De Leenheer, Belgium.

•Flight Lieutenant Ben Dunkley, Great Britain.

•Oberfeldarzt Birte Edeler, Germany.

•Major Antonio Ferrandez, Spain.

•Flight Lieutenant Toby Foote, Great Britain.

•Warrant Officer Marc-André Gaudreault, Canada.

•Colonel Ludo Helsen, Belgium.

•Flight Sergeant Colin Lester, Great Britain. 

•Master Sergeant André Lopes Antonio, Germany.

•Major Clint Ormond, United States of America.

•Master Sergeant Juan Pineda, United States of America.

•Mr. Ryszard Rokita, Poland.

•Mr. David Russell, Great Britain. 

•Ms. Sally Trickett, Great Britain.

•Lieutenant Colonel Roberto Vergari, Italy.

•Major Simon Vinken, The Netherlands.

The following were not able to attend today’s ceremony and will be presented their awards at a later date:

The Commanders’ Commendation:

•Staff Sergeant Håvard Heksestad, Norway.

•Lieutenant Commander Kim Poirrier, Canada.

•Lieutenant Colonel Dimitrios Rizoudis, Greece.

•Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Siedenhans, Germany.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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