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Jun 12 2020

Commander JFC Brunssum General Vollmer Visits AFnorth International School

Brunssum, Netherlands – General Jörg Vollmer, Commander JFC Brunssum, today 12th June paid his first visit to the AFNORTH International School (AIS).

He was welcomed by the Director of the AIS, Mrs Cathy Wood and her Assistant Director, Mr Rob Bindels as well as by the head of the German Section, Mr Peter Friedrich for an induction brief to that special school in the south of Limburg.

AFNORTH International School was founded in September 1967 and is a Dutch Foundation which is sponsored by four nationalities: Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the Federal Republic of Germany. Responsibility for international administration is vested in a Director appointed by the Board of Governors.

Each of the national sections has its own Principal or Head Teacher who is responsible for his/her section to both the Director and to his/her national education authority. The Director and the principals are together responsible for fostering the international ethos of the school and for respecting the educational requirements of each nation.

It provides education for over 900 children of JFC HQ Brunssum, other NATO personnel serving in the Netherlands and families working in international companies in this region.

Mrs Wood explained in detail the core values of the school, creating a positive, values based environment and encourage parents to maintain high engagement with their child’s learning and the community. Engagement, respect and participation are key to the school staff.

General Vollmer was very impressed of the school facilities and all the opportunities which are given the children especially to foster them lifting up their view and becoming a world citizen.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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