Brunssum, the Netherlands, Thursday the 11th of June
General Jörg Vollmer, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), met General Jeffrey L. Harrigian, Commander of NATO’s Air Command in Ramstein, via Video Teleconferencing (VTC).
The two Generals discussed a multitude of topics, including: improving the Command and Control relations between Brunssum; as JFCBS is focusing on a geographic region, while Air Com is NATO’s designated command for the air domain. They also discussed ongoing Air integration training in the Baltic Sea Region with ground units; such as NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battle Groups in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Additionally, the challenges both Commands have faced in relation to COVID-19 restrictions’ impact on keeping up their readiness state in order complete mission essential tasks for NATO deterrence and defence requirements.
Lessons learned, and lessons identified, derived from NATO’s last big command post exercise, Trident Jupiter, were also discussed; as this multi-layer-highly-complex exercise was a great opportunity for NATO command structure elements to improve processes and procedures in planning for potential execution in the near future.
The importance of close co-ordination between their Headquarters, to foster a clear understanding of the Northern Europe Security Environment, and implementing a delineated Command and Control relation in JFC Brunssum’s Area of Operations was obviously of utmost importance to both, General Vollmer and General Harrigian.