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Oct 1 2020

General Vollmer Attends Annual Baltic Conference on Defence

Tallinn, Estonia – JFC Brunssum Commander, General Jörg Vollmer, was invited to speak as part of a panel of experts at the 14th Annual Baltic Conference on Defence (ABCD), on the topic of ‘Deterrence and Defence in the Baltic Sea Region.

The General spoke in the second of three sessions of panel discussions, all of which were unified in tackling ongoing security and defence concerns facing the Baltic States, NATO, and the EU. Following his address General Vollmer engaged in discussion focused on the direction of future security mechanisms/structures/processes in the Baltics. 

Further, time also allowed for an open and productive conversation centred on the impact of COVID-19 on deterrence and defence throughout the Baltic Region. Notwithstanding the pandemic the General seized the opportunity to underline the continued commitment and unhampered readiness of the Alliance to support the Baltic States.
Picture by Marko Mumm / ICDS
Note: The ABCD provides an open forum for the defence community of NATO and EU member states, and their partners, to discuss cohesive, rules-based international cooperation with regards to security in an environment based upon long-standing shared values. The ABCD takes place annually in Tallin, Estonia, this year being held on 30th September. The conference aims to incisively tackle contemporary defence concerns, with a particular focus this year on the impact and response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The ABCD is the result of a need for unified and open direction for transnational defence cooperation and has its roots in the Baltic Security Assistance (BALTSEA) forum founded in 1997.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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