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JFC Brunssum Conducts Outreach Event in Georgia


Tbilisi, Georgia – Military partnerships have been particularly important to NATO since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Indeed, the cooperative security effort has been one of NATO’s three core tasks since the NATO Lisbon Summit in 2010. In addition to this, Georgia is one of NATO's closest partners, actively contributing to NATO-led operations and cooperating with the Allies and other partner countries in many other areas.

As part of the military outreach activities that NATO conducts, a team from Joint Force Command Brunssum visited Tbilisi from the 21 st to the 22nd of January 2020.  JFC Brunssum representatives engaged with Georgian officers to discuss a range of NATO-related issues. This outreach activity serves to underline NATO’s high level of commitment to engage with partners and cooperate with non-NATO nations.
Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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