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Long lasting partnership - General Jörg Vollmer visits Hungary

Budapest, Hungary - General Jörg Vollmer, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, visited NATO member Hungary from 18 to 21 August.

In the Hungarian capital, General Vollmer met the Minister of Defence, Tibor Benkö.

On behalf of President Janos Ader, Minister Benkö awarded General Vollmer with the 'Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary' for his outstanding support in developing the Hungarian German military relations during his assignment as Chief of the German Army.

Furthermore, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Szilard Nemeth, handed over the 'Medal of Partnership' to the Commander.

General Vollmer also met the Chief of Defence, General Ferenc Korom, with regards to Hungarian NATO engagement.

Amongst other issues, topics touched on were readiness, interoperability, coordination and coherence as well as process synchronisation. 

Travelling to Szekesfehervar, about 70 kilometers West of Budapest, the General engaged with the leadership of the newly implemented Multinational Division Center, led by Hungary and Croatia.

Additionally, General Vollmer’s itinerary saw him visit the NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) Hungary, where he took the opportunity to highlight the important role of this element as an initial point of contact for deploying Allied Forces.

The Commander underlined: “Hungary is an integral part of the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan and I appreciate your contribution to strengthen NATO's presence on the North Eastern flank with the NATO Force Integration Unit and the implementation of the Multinational Division Center. This demonstrates a willingness to contribute to collective defence, one of NATO’s core tasks.”

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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