With an empathetic call for team spirit, mutual confidence and military professionalism, the new commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), General Jörg Vollmer introduced himself to his headquarters on April 23rd.
comes from the heart!
The German officer reminded NATOs women and men in uniform as well as civilian employees of the Alliance’s noble essence to preserve peace. “We are the face of NATO in the countries of our implementation area. For them, it’s us. Let people really believe that you take it serious”, Vollmer underlined.
address was transmitted via video signal to various conference rooms on base in
order to maintain mandatory distance.
his mission oriented approach, the General reconfirmed JFC Brunssum’s
supportive role for NATOs troops in Afghanistan, led by U.S. Army General
Austin Scott Miller. “His advice and his request are guiding us. We will provide anything that is
necessary for this mission”, Vollmer said.
then focused on his command area of responsibility which covers a territory ranging
from Greenland over Scandinavia into central Europe and Hungary. “We are
responsible for them. If they have any request, we have to find a solution”,
the General emphasized. He added being a friend of exercises that really move
troops and thus build confidence.

Vollmer also called for proper communications with all nations contributing
troops to NATO missions and pointed to the emotional factor by saying
“Coherence comes from the heart. It is team sport and nothing else.”
to the corona crisis, he expressed his sympathy for the privation that families
and loved ones of his staff members currently encounter. “We will take care of
our families”, he promised.