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Nov 4 2020

Readiness counts - COM JFCBS visits NATO Response Force at Exercise Brilliant Jump in Lithuania

Brunssum, the Netherlands - On Wednesday, 03 November, General Jörg Vollmer, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum, paid a visit to NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), currently deploying to Lithuania.

On the Military Training Area in Pabrade, General Vollmer met with Mr Raimundas Karoblis, the Minister of Defence of Lithuania, Lieutenant General Valdemaras Rupšys, the Chief of Defence of Lithuania, the Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Tomasz Piotrowski, and the Commander of NATO's Multinational Corps Northeast, Lieutenant General Słavomir Wojciechowski.

Mr Raimundas Karoblis, the Minister of Defence of Lithuania, Commander of NATO's Multinational Corps Northeast, Lieutenant General Słavomir Wojciechowski, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum, General Jörg Vollmer and Lieutenant General Valdemaras Rupšys, the Chief of Defence of Lithuania.

They were greeted by Brigadier General Dariusz Lewandowski, Commander of the Polish 21st Mountain Brigade, which presently forms the core of NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.

Apart from the briefing provided by BrigGen Lewandowski on the progress of the deployment exercise, the programme foresaw COM JFCBS to address the troops at the occasion of a static display by Polish, Spanish and Lithuanian troops of the VJTF Brigade.

In front of the troops lined up and respecting the social distancing required by the Corona situation, General Vollmer thanked the soldiers from the participating nations for their efforts to make this year's Brilliant Jump exercise such a success, despite the challenges they faced due to the pandemic.

Even in these times, we decided to do it, we deploy, we show our strength and our commitment, that is a strong signal!

Further, General Vollmer stressed that the VJTF this year is part of a large community, together with the enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups and the NATO Air Policing they demonstrate the solidarity of NATO with its eastern flank partners.

COM JFCBS then took the opportunity to meet some of the soldiers in person, and was introduced to their equipment and their combat vehicles.

Before, the Commander, together with Lt Gen Rupšys and Brig Gen Lewandowski, addressed the media mentioning that this is the very first time the VJTF of NATO deploys to Lithuania. Using rail, road, ship and air transport facilities, this is a huge logistical task the Brigade was able to fulfil, as COM JFCBS said.

This is the purpose of this exercise, to demonstrate that we are capable and ready. Deterrence only works if you train and exercise on a permanent basis

Lt Gen Rupšys thanked NATO and the VJTF Brigade for this strong sign of solidarity with his country, and Brig Gen Lewandowski explained the magnitude of the task of moving more than 1.200 soldiers with 400 vehicles and 150 tons of supplies from Poland, some 250 soldiers and 60 vehicle from Spain, over 200 soldiers with 50 vehicles from Czech Republic and 150 Lithuanian soldiers with 20 heavy vehicles to the training grounds.

I'm strongly convinced that participation in this exercise allows us to enhance our readiness to conduct quick operations and demonstrate our solidarity and unity as NATO Forces

Brig Gen Lewandowski underlined.

Brigadier General Dariusz Lewandowski, Commander of the Polish 21st Mountain Brigade, which presently forms the core of NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, during his meeting with the press

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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