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Nov 9 2020

Sittard Remembrance Service

Brunssum, The Netherlands – Sunday 08 November, despite the challenges of a global pandemic, a COVID-compliant Remembrance Service was held at St Peter’s Church, Sittard. Although the congregation was, by necessity, much smaller than normal a moving service was led by Rob Merkx (Dean of Sittard), Lay Minister Jan Waterschoot (Trinity Church, Eindhoven) and Bert Stuij (an Elder from the Protestantse Gemeente Maas en Beekdal).

General Jὂrg Vollmer (Commander), Lieutenant General Stuart Skeates (Deputy Commander), Colonel Ian Large (British Senior National Representative), Colonel Petrus Kemna (Netherlands Senior National Representative) and Chief Warrant Officer Lance Dunn (Command Sergeant Major) represented JFC Brunssum.


The Province of Limburg was represented by Governor Theo Bovens; whilst Mayor Hans Verheijen (Sittard-Geleen Mayor) represented the leadership and people of Sittard-Geleen.

This was the 53rd year that the Sittard War Graves Committee has successfully organised such a service of remembrance for Commonwealth soldiers killed in action during World War II. Of the 239 soldiers laid to rest in the Commonwealth War Cemetery, Kromstraat, Ophoven Sittard, 233 are known, whilst 6 remain unknown soldiers. The majority of those buried in the cemetery were members of the Scottish Regiments belonging to the 52nd(Lowland) Division, who were engaged in battle in the local area from 18 to 24 January, 1945.

Another 20 British soldiers (1 unknown) who lost their lives in November and December 1944 are buried at the Algemene Begraafplaats Vrangendael, Lahweg/Weherweg, Sittard. The Committee holds a small Remembrance Ceremony there each year on the Saturday preceding Remembrance Sunday.

Further information about the Sittard War Graves Committee can be found at: https://www.oorlogsgravencomite.nl

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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