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Nov 13 2020

Week 46 - Northern Europe Operational Update

Exercise Iron Wolf 20 II

In Lithuania, NATO forces are participating in the national exercise Iron Wolf 20 II. This defensive training exercise includes participation from NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) and the Alliance’s Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Lithuania (eFP Lithuania). They are seizing the opportunity to further develop their own military capabilities and, at the same time, enhance interoperability between the Lithuanian Armed Forces and NATO.

This pre-planned exercise will end on the 22nd of November.

A German Leopard 2 tank crossing a bridge in Lithuania during Iron Wolf 20 II

Historic Ordnance in Lithuanian Territorial Waters

This week, Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) was in Lithuanian territorial waters on a Historic Ordnance Disposal (HOD) mission ensuring the safety and freedom of movement of maritime traffic, both military and civilian, through the Baltic Sea Region.

NATO has remained committed to safer seas since its inception and seeks to actively contribute to the concept of collective, values based, security.

Crew of Lithuanian Frigate Žemaitis working at night with SNMCMG1

Armistice / Remembrance Day

This week, on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, a moment of silence was held. For those nations that observe this day of remembrance, it is annually taken as an opportunity to remember those members of the armed forces who have forfeited their lives in pursuit of peace.

The tradition dates back to the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front at the end of World War I and the signing of the armistice agreement that brought an end to the industrialised warfare that had brought death, of a previously unimaginable scale, to the world for four long years.

The importance of remembering the devastation that war can bring, not just to the military, but the civilian population underlines the importance of organisations such as NATO, and others with shared values, who continuously strive for stability and peace in a rules based international order.

Armistice/remembrance day

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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