LOYAL LEDA 2020 & HRH the Prince of Wales
This week the command exercise Loyal Leda 2020 (LOLE 20) was conducted by the Allied Rapid Reaction Corp (ARRC) in Gloucestershire, England. LOLE 20 is designed to test NATOs ARRC as a high-readiness and high intensity warfighting Headquarters, ready and able to quickly deploy in an Article 5 situation.
During the exercise, participating personnel were treated to a visit from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles. A strong supporter of the Armed Forces, the Prince regularly visits Commonwealth troops and U.K. Regiments he is affiliated to during training or on operations. As well as the British troops stationed at the ARRC, His Royal Highness met with Commonwealth soldiers from the 1st Canadian Division, the ‘Red Devils’, and Gurkhas from the ARRCs Support Battalion. His Royal Highness helps maintain the Royal Family’s strong connection to the Commonwealth and is the Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Gurkha Rifles.
This week the NATO-led exercise Cyber Coalition 2020 (CC20) was held from the 16th to the 20th of November via COVID-safe virtual tools and dial-in video teleconferencing services. CC20 is one of the many exercises that NATO is constantly running to ensure that the Alliance remains at the cutting edge of developments in the cyber domain and is ready to counter any emerging threats that threaten to disrupt the rules-based international order.
Cyber defence is part of collective defence
CC20 tests NATOs ability to defend its members, and allies, in the developing world of cyberspace. Amongst other objectives it will test: decision making processes; technical and operational procedures; interoperability; and cyber defence capacity.
“Cyber defence is part of collective defence. CYBER COALITION 20 proves NATO’s ability to adapt and to counter any cyber threat even during a pandemic like COVID 19,” Commander Robert Buckles (US Navy), Exercise Director.
Despite the challenges of executing a multinational exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic, participants from 25 NATO Member Nations, 4 Partner Nations plus the European Union Military Staff and Cyber Emergency Response Team participated.

In Lithuania, elements of NATOs Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) and the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Lithuania (eFP Lithuania) continue their training in the Lithuanian national exercise, Iron Wolf 20.
NATO participates in national exercises such as Iron Wolf 20 to sustain high levels of integration with national armed forces.