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Nov 27 2020

Week 48 - Northern Europe Operational Update

Exercise TUMAK 20

This week, NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group-Poland (eFP Poland), as well as a number of international partners and allies joined with the Polish 15th Mechanized Brigade Taskforce to participate in Exercise TUMAK 20, an exercise designed to test the operational readiness of forces in the region.

Over 1,200 personnel are participating in the exercise to improve interoperability and demonstrate that the Alliance remains ready, willing and able to defend against any potential aggressor in the region in a swift and proportionate manner.

US Special Forces Pilots Training in Estonia

US special operations forces CV-22B Osprey and MC-130J aircraft have begun a series of training flights in Estonian airspace that continue over the next month. The main objective of the U.S. 352nd Special Operations Wing, in Estonia, is to cooperate with the special operations forces of the Estonian Defence Forces in order to train and enhance joint activities of allied Special Forces.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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