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Oct 8 2021

508 steps, 45 minutes, sore legs and smiles!

Brunssum, The Netherlands – 508 steps, 45 minutes, sore legs and smiles!

Physical fitness is an essential component to our life

Thursday 07 October, a highly motivated group from Headquarters Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum accepted the Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Morale Challenge. For the team taking part in a short training session at Wilhelmina (named after the former Dutch Queen) Mine Stone mountain in Landgraaf, the main goal of the workout was to climb to the top of the hill as many times as possible within a fixed time limit.

508 steps, 45 minutes, sore legs and smiles!
508 steps, 45 minutes, sore legs and smiles!
508 steps, 45 minutes, sore legs and smiles!
508 steps, 45 minutes, sore legs and smiles!

"Physical fitness is an essential component to our life. Regular training improves mental resilience, health and enables a rapid recovery after illness or injury", said Chief Warrant Officer Lance Dunn, JFC Brunssum CSEL.

The morning was a great success, all Team Brunssum - civilians, soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines managed to combine sport activity and healthy competition with great fun. "We all missed it so much."

This activity is a great example of how people from different nations can come together to improve their motivation, teamwork, fitness and a good demonstration of NATO's cohesion.

Congratulations to everybody!

Look forward to next sport activities, hope you will be there.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Rimburgerweg 30
6445 PA Brunssum
The Netherlands


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PO box 270
6440AG Brunssum
The Netherlands

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Attn: Media Section
6445 PA Brunssum
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