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Baltic Defence College Receive General Vollmer For Visit

Tartu, Estonia – On Friday 21st May, Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) General Jörg Vollmer, visited the Baltic Defence College (BDC) in Tartu, Estonia. General Vollmer observed students participating in the college’s Exercise Joint Reserve, a planning exercise aimed at testing the students ability to plan during a fictional Article 5 scenario. After observing the exercise, General Vollmer spoke to students, offering some insight to assist in their discussions; 

Nations should share the same understanding on what is needed, in the framework of the Regional Plan. We need to understand regional threats and need to draw conclusions on what is necessary. We as nations have to ask ourselves; who can provide what, at relatively short notice. This should then be based on a reality check.

Whilst visiting the BDC, General Vollmer also had the opportunity to address students on the Higher Command Studies Course where he discussed NATO strategic and operational level responsibilities. 

A relationship has existed between JFCBS and BDC for some time with a small number of students invited to participate in NATO run exercises at JFCBS. This serves as an excellent opportunity for the selected students to expand and apply their professional knowledge during a complex exercise scenario.

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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