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Sep 27 2021

Commander JFC Brunssum Attends Limburg Veterans Day

Brunssum, The Netherlands – Saturday 25 September, the 16th iteration of the Limburg Veterans Day was conducted in Roermond. Limburg Province is home to approximately 5500 military veterans; this annual event seeks to pay tribute to their service and provide an opportunity to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy freedom and peace today.

A memorial ceremony took place at the National Remembrance Park in Roermond. After welcome remarks by the Chairman of the Limburg Veterans Day Foundation (Lt Col (Rtd) Edwin Jacobsz), the Acting King's Commissioner of Limburg (Mrs Madeleine van Toorenburg), the Mayor of Roermond (Mrs Rianne Donders-de Leest) and several young people were each afforded the opportunity to address the veterans

picture by Mr Pim Ermers

Alongside others, General Jörg Vollmer, Commander JFC Brunssum, laid a wreath at the Verbindendmonument (Connecting Monument) in the National Remembrance Park on behalf of all those who serve at the NATO HQs hosted by the town of Brunssum.

As always, Limburg Veterans Day provided a special opportunity to honour veterans and a moment to reflect upon the sacrifice of the fallen.

Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office

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The Netherlands


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